Monday, October 24, 2016

Here's a blog post from me!  I have mostly created this blog as an example for you students to follow in setting up your own blogs, but I'll let you know if I find it helpful to post anything here as the course goes on.

1 comment:

  1. I started a Criminal Justice program many years ago and life began and took precedence over my education. I worked for Citibank for many years, until our economy changed in 2008 this country, impacting many banks and myself. So, I came to Chicago to start a new life and help my daughter with her children. I have a daughter and son and two grandchildren, a boy 12 and girl age 7 . I currently work full-time as a Home Health Care Worker caring for the elderly and im doing an internship with the Chicago Police Department. I have 18 credit hours left to complete my degree and it's my hope to make a difference in the Criminal Justice system. When I'm not in school, I zone out watching True Crime shows on ID. Now I will study and read.
    It's is my hopes to become gainfully employed with a career in government at the local, state, and federal level in either administration of justice, correctional administration, or security administration.
